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Jul 01, 2013
Dachshund Peeing and Barking
by: Dachshund-Owner-Guide - Tui

Thank you for your question, lets start with the peeing problem, firstly don't let him have free access to the whole house, limit him to one room.

So when you go out he is only in one room also put toilet training pads down, if he isn't outside.

When you are home have him in the room with you, with no access to any other rooms. So you may have to close doors to rooms so he can't get into them.

Watch him when he is with you so you can recognize the signs that he is looking for a place to pee.

Take him out to the toilet frequently and let him walk around the yard to help stimulate him to go.
He won't always want to go but at least you have given him the opportunity to go.

Before you go to bed take him out and when you get up and if you go out anywhere and when you get back. What you can also do is clean up the urine on the floor with a paper towel and take it outside and give him a toilet command and let him smell it. That way he can learn that this is where I need to go.

When cleaning up pee spots in the house, use cleaning agents that will remove the urine odor. You can use white vinegar(don't dilute it), soak the area completely and leave it for a few minutes then blot dry, ensure you blot up as much of the moisture as you can and don't walk in that area until completely dry.

Baking soda is another agent you can use, just cover the area with the baking soda for a few hours then vacuum it up.

You can put toilet training pads down if he goes in the same spot and the gradually move those pads towards the door and then out the door.

With peeing on your bed don't let him up on your bed, have him sleep in his own bed at night, if he doesn't already do so. And also use cleaning agents to remove his urine odor from the bed.

With barking when he starts to bark at something or someone say No with a firm voice and redirect his attention back to you.

It is good to have him on a lead so when he is about to bark you can gentle tug on the lead with a firm voice say No. The trick is to say No just before he is about to bark and redirect his attention on to you, so he can focus on you rather than whatever it is he wants to bark at.

When he doesn't bark at something he would usually bark at give him praise, first with a food reward then move on to vocal reward.

Hope this has been helpful to you and best of luck.

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