Comments for Rocco

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Nov 10, 2013
he's so sweet
by: drew

My first dachshund I received was when I was three, and her name was Gretchen. She was a female smooth,black and tan. I had her for sixteen years, and a real joy. Between my parents, siblings, and grand parents, we've had a total of fifteen wieners over the years. {awesome unique pets.} As I write this luigi is sitting under my feet at my computer lol. His brother Salvador is parking it close by in his bed. I enjoy them so much and yes they sleep in bed with me also lol. You will have many years of enjoyment with your little one. enjoy enjoy enjoy. For the love of the breed- Drew

Sep 30, 2013
by: Anonymous

He will bring your daughter alot of joy. They are loyal and loveable little guys! Enjoy him.

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